Anthony Hyman changes the way we look at cells
Discoveries in science take time, patience and determination. The best example for this is British cell biologist Anthony Hyman. He had researched cells for decades, before, in 2008, he and his team found a completely new state of biological matter: proteins, which can accumulate locally in high concentrations in the cell fluid. These "condensates" resemble tiny droplets that are subject to the laws of biophysics, among other things. Today, after more than 14 years of work in the field of condensates, Hyman´s research has completely changed the way we look at cells. Hyman was able to show that condensates usually form very dynamically. But as soon as the degradation is disturbed – often due to age – toxic substances can be deposited in affected cells, triggering degenerative diseases such as ALS or Alzheimer's disease. Hyman is now looking for new drugs that could cure these diseases.
More on Anthony Hyman and his research:
More about the Körber European Science Prize:
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